This is what worked the first try, but next time I may increase temp to 400 and hope for less cooking time.
- Cut potatoes into ¼ inch sticks.
- Place them in a large bowl and cover with very hot tap water; leave for about ten minutes (this step makes fries crispier).
- Preheat air fryer to 375 for about three minutes
- Drain potatoes, transfer to clean towel and pat as dry as you can.
- Rinse and dry out bowl and return potatoes to the bowl.
- Drizzle with olive oil, salt, and other seasoning as desired.
- Toss to coat.
- Put first batch of potatoes into air fryer, no more than two layers (one layer is best for crispiness).
- Check on fries every five minutes and add time as needed. The recipe I used said ten minutes total; it took mine about 20 (but we like super crispy fries).
- Keep batches warm in a preheated 200 oven.